What is Ecotone Performance Health and Fitness?

Imagine you are in the midst of training for your first half marathon. You did all your homework. You found the race, gave yourself ample time to train, purchased a 14 week training program and have been following it meticulously without missing a day.

You’re 8 weeks out and on a easy recovery run you notice some tightness in your right calf muscle. You think nothing of it and continue you on with your training routine. But over the next week that calf tightness progressively gets worse, now it even bothers you when you wake up in the morning. You try some quick fixes like over the counter pain medication, new running shoes, compression socks and some stretches you found online. Nothing seems to help though. When you finally decide to see a healthcare provider you are advised to rest and that running that type of distance is too stressful for the body and that’s why you are injured. Just like that, your dream of completing your first half marathon is gone!

Now imagine that same scenario but finding yourself seeing a health care provider that does everything they can to keep you on track and get you to the finish line (literally). They spend 60 minutes of one on one time with you on your first visit to review your health history, perform orthopedic tests, functional tests and go over all the findings.

They identify inflamed tissue around the right calf that doesn’t appear to need any advanced testing like an MRI, as well as limited range of motion at your left hip from a previous sports injury in high school. They create a treatment plan to not only manage your pain, but also to enhance your performance. You maybe miss 2 weeks of training but you have a program to maintain your fitness and work on key imbalances that likely contributed to this issue.

By the time you are back to training you feel better than you did before you got injured. You have specific exercises to perform around your training program and are dialed in on things like the importance of sleep, nutrition and breathing. You are able to complete the race with a personal best time and can’t wait for your next challenge!

Ecotone Performance Health and Fitness was created to help clients live and perform optimally. If you are dealing with an injury or looking to optimize your health reach out to find out how we can help!


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